Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Department of Oh For Fuck's Sake

or how the internet broke thought and why won't those nasty theatre types stage plays that are mean about musslimsses?

the latter of which is going to be subjected to a good hard fisking when i get round to it.


Andrew Haydon said...

Ooh. I look forward to that. I think it's an interesting article - but I'm more than eager to read responses.

Andrew Haydon said...

And against my better judgement I had my say on the former on its own thread. I'm damned if I'm writing another blog post about it - certainly not without reading the book. Then maybe I'll get the Guardian to pay me to review it on a blog, thereby messing up all his definitions in one go.

Tom Wateracre said...

You get paid to write the Guardian blog?

Andrew Haydon said...

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